5 tips to work (well) in the summer July and August in the agency: it is not easy to maintain concentration in the office. Here are some techniques to be productive despite the heat. When the sun beats hard and the luckier are on vacation, the last thing you would like to do is go to work. “Who makes us do it? “It’s the most popular (retoric) question in the agency after . “Clying ice cream break?”; yet even in the summer there are emails to answer. communication strategies to plan, new websites to draw.

Drinking lots of water

Here are five tips to not get down from the heat.  And keep alive creativity and spirit of initiative – be careful because.  The tips below are generally valid for all offices! 1. Drinking lots of water and eat lots of fruits and vegetables, special data avoiding exposure.  To the sun in the hottest hours of the day. Every year is always the usual story: together with the first heat wave, the classic news . Service also arrives on time, which reiterates the most obvious advice in the world. But it works, even in the workplace. Make sure you have a bottle of water on your desk – you’ll want to drink . More often; at lunch you’re light by opting for a salad rather . Than a topp pasta – you’ll better withstand the effects of afternoon digestion. 

Special Data

Choose the right location

Choose the right location being fresh is essential to work with serenity. Clothing aside, what is your thought on the air conditioning in the office? It would seem that for seven out of ten workers the management of the air conditioner . Is the effective cause Caseno Data of quarrels . And misunderstandings between colleagues (to report it is repubblica. It with references to a research conduct on a sample of about 2500 people between 25 and 65 years old). Train your degree of personal endurance always.  By trying to support the common good of the group, you come to.  Compromise to maintain the internal balance.

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