c#ENyDOpenclass to explain how to carry out an effective negotiation in order to better manage time and priorities. “If we evaluate the current condition of work in companies, most companies affirm that they live their working day in a state of anguish, uncertainty and physical and mental exhaustion due to new projects and tasks that are added to those already scheduled” says the expert. This is the direct consequence of not knowing how to manage two of the most important resources we have and waste: time , which is the same for everyone; and energy , which you have to know how to take care of and take into account when prioritizing tasks. CHOOSE AND

DECIDE Although many people think that choosing and

deciding are similar terms, they are not equivalent. CHOOSE It involves classifying and evaluating different possibilities. For example: what will I do on my next vacation? I can go to the beach with my friends, to the mountains, to Paris with my girlfriend… “As we see, there are many possibilities, many options among which I haveDECIDE Although many people think that choosing and b2b leads  to choose the one I like the most or the one I prioritize. Therefore, choosing means having options and choosing one. It is limited to choosing,” says the speaker. DECIDE Confirm a choice knowing that you agree with said decision and accepting everything that it

However, there are people who choose without

b2b leads

entails. It involves acting in the chosen direction. However, Caseno Data   there are people who choose without making a decision. For example, when someone chooses to join the gym, but doesn’t go. “You cannot say yes to a proposal, commit to carrying out a project and not do it. On numerous occasions we talk about a decision when in reality it is a choice,” says Pietro. CHOOSING OPENS REALITIES WHILE DECIDING BUILDS REALITIES If we want to choose well and then decide better, we have to know how to distinguish both concepts and consider them as two events that are separate, but that are connected and that respectively represent the cause and

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