Is a gesture that. in some way. celebrates the futility of existence. precisely in a place where absurdity is breath. Cioran in the bus queue That book. there. in the hands of that man. Because It Is Like. Was the circumstantial emblem. let’s say. On a ridiculous scale. of the great fiasco that we had to live through and in which Cioran gloat his entire life. Cioran in the Lima metro: a black dot on a black background. I I I remember starting to read Cioran in ’99 (look. well. only twenty years ago).

Was the Position of a

A copy of That Damn Me was circulating among some students who were attending an ancient philosophy course at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of the glorious San Marcos. I photocopi the book and began to read it eagerly because of the references it had about its author; above all. because of the ideas that were attribut to him and that. As I read the work. I not: I saw with amazement and pleasure (what a combination) that he develop his speech. fragment business email list and sharp. with that chilling acuity that only guys like Cioran . who have honestly and viscerally assum skepticism as a way of life. already disillusion by an exercise of extreme lucidity. can do it. I was stunn. Until that day I had not encounter such an extreme thought. This very unique Romanian writer proce to remove.

Sworn Enemy of the

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Without a hint of resentment. those values ​​that are consider the foundations of culture. I remember having the impression of being situat before the truth : contemplat from Cioran’s perspective. the world. existence. reality (or whatever you want to call what we have had to live through) lost consistency and meaning. sense and direction. Then he would realize that Caseno Data even speaking truthfully about the ideas of this unprecent philosopher was just another nonsense. Because It Is Like Cioran is extreme and solvent. Nothing more and nothing less than a thinker who denies what seems undeniable . That he denies what should not be deni.

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