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Federal Court of Auditors conducts compliance audits on the implementation of the LGPD

The need to comply with the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) in federal public organizations is still a significant challenge. The Federal Court of Auditors (TCU) has highlighted the importance of control actions to verify compliance with the legislation, aiming to ensure that public bodies and entities throughout the country are aligned with the requirements for the protection of personal data.

Law 13,709/2018 General Law on the

Protection of Personal Data – LGPD) came into force in August 2020 and, one year later, the Federal email data  of Auditors (TCU) found that 76.7% of federal public organizations remained at an insignificant or initial level of compliance with that law.

In order to assess the progress of adaptations in the various sectors of public organizations, the TCU proposes carrying out a new control action, which also aims to guide managers and internal audit units in conducting initiatives to adapt to the LGPD. This round of inspections is out in partnership with audit courts from nine states in the federation (TCE-AM, TCE-BA, TCE-CE, TCE-PA, TCE-PE, TCE-PR, TCE-RJ, TCE-RN and TCE-SC).

This is an essential time to prepare for the requirements of the law. Here at Privacy Tools, we offer specialized support to ensure. That public administration complies with the LGPD, protecting data and avoiding sanctions.

Learn about the 4 steps to becoming compliant using the LGPD Essentials program

Technology: The most complete platform on the market, which meets all LGPD parameters, covering the entire compliance journey. The Privacy Tools tool covers the fronts necessary to maintain compliance.

Guided Deployment: The entire deployment janet-zoe kandakai client technical & product support specialist  will by professionals from the Privacy Tools team.

Customer Success: After implementation

You will continue to have full support from our support. Team to expand your knowledge about the tool, market trends and regulatory updates, which reflect our journey.

Privacy Consulting : In addition to a complete tool, knowledge of the LGPD. Privacy Consulting is a consulting service chine directory on the privacy program. With the objective of expanding and consolidating all actions related to the General Data Protection Law.

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