For years, scientists and experts have warned that if decisive action is not taken against climate change, our ecosystems will be damaged, causing a crisis around the world. Many of us have been indifferent to this announcement, and the consequences are increasingly serious.  In response and in search of a solution, members of the civil association and some governments have come together to stop the fire and begin to rebuild the area, however the fires remain alive. It is worth mentioning that the Amazon is not the only lung of the Earth that is on fire. Fires due to climate change: these regions are also on fire The environmental . Greenpeace pointed out that in recent months more than 5 million hectares of Siberian forest were on fire.

Fires due to climate change: these regions are also on fire

Just two months ago, the Arctic recorded a period of fires that left behind 50 megatons of carbon dioxide, the same amount that Sweden generates in an entire year, according to information from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service . The latter UK Phone Number List makes the situation worse, since it means that the earth has a higher temperature than expected. Another fact to take into account is that July 2019 was the hottest month on record so far, stated the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Fires worsen climate change and the environment. According to the World Meteorological Organization, these are not only in Brazil and parts of Peru, Bolivia and Paraguay; Widespread fires are being seen in tropical areas of Africa, such as Angola. And in several parts of Europe.

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What consequences do fires bring?

August has seen a notable increase in large, intense and persistent fires spreading along major roads in the central Brazilian Amazon. What consequences do fires bring? Emission of carbon dioxide and loss of forests that cause less absorption of CO2, promote climate change, and are the main consequences of these natural Brazil Phone Number List disasters. Forest fires release harmful pollutants into the atmosphere with toxic particles and gases such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and non-methane organic compounds. The European Union’s Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring System (CAMS) reported that the fires have released 255 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere from August 1 to 25, as well as large amounts of carbon monoxide. carbon.

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