Companies from various sectors have opte for the circular green goal? economy, giving new uses to recyclable packaging in the production of clothing, footwear, household goods or the construction sector. However, are they actually generating a strong impact or are they efforts with a purpose, above all, of marketing? The sporting goods company Adidas has just launche its Run For The Oceans 2019 campaign for the second consecutive year. With which it invites the public to do sports for a social cause because for every kilometer travele per person. The brand will donate one dollar to the Ocean program. Plastic, focuse on collecting PET and converting it into tennis shoes and sports clothing. In an interview with ExpokNews, Luis Fabián, Brand Communications Manager of Adidas in Mexico. Indicate that in this project made it possible to manufacture 5 million pairs of tennis shoes that had a percentage of plastic in their soles and strings.
A more commercial strategy?
What percentage of recovere PET did these products include? There’s no answer. He note that the percentages or figures on the environmental benefit generate by this type of efforts are “diverse However, and recalle that in the last four years they have recycle and processe 200 million bottles for the production of sports accessories. He said he did not have on hand what percentage of the global production of sneakers or t-shirts that the brand manufactures Belize WhatsApp Number List has any sustainable quality or how much “green” products represent in the sale of inputs of this corporation. However, also clarifie that the direct environmental impact of their efforts to recover and recycle PET does not occur in Mexico. Since they have focuse on plastic collection actions in the Maldives. A peninsular country where the environmental organization Parley for the Oceans is locate. Social organization in charge of coordinating this project.
Ecosystem role of the oceans
It doesn’t matter where PET recycling is done, the point is to appreciate that with sport you can modify lives with a global vision of environmental matters he adde. A more commercial strategy? The manager of the sports brand pointe out that “these products have had a great reception among users despite the fact that a Singapore WhatsApp Number List few years ago they were highly criticize for the Real Madrid and Bayern Munich shirts that. Being made of recycle polyester, were rejecte. But in the end they were accepte in many nations and became an essential link to replicate these initiatives.” At this event, the range of Alphabounce + Parley products was presente.