Do you think there are the same number of women as men in leadership positions? According to the latest data from various studies, the female presence in management positions is still relatively low in Spain when compared to other countries in the European Union. And the fact is that only 28% of the directors in listed organizations in Spain are women, also occupying non-executive positions. This gender gap in senior management positions is due to the

such as the lack of development and training

combination of several aspects, such as the lack of development and training opportunities, discrimination and wage inequality, and gender stereotypes and cultural perceptions that influence choices. However, it is also true that awareness of the importance of gender equality in the workplace is increasing   business email list and measures are being implemented to address the still-existing problem. The EU, for example, has established a gender quota to increase the presence of women on the boards of directors of listed companies. Furthermore, many Spanish companies

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Vázquez, Leire Gómez and Elena Colás are the women managers who have shared their reflections regarding gender equality with the UEMC Business School. Let’s discover them! WOMEN IN THE COMPANY: REAL CASES Elena Colas Elena Colas We have asked them if they believe that women’s employability could be improved, given that they continue to face systemic and cultura Caseno Data l barriers that limit women’s access to opportunities for decision-making positions. Elena Colás, Marketing, Brand and Experience Manager at LIV Student, indicates that “although there is still a lot of work to do, given that the percentage of active women is

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