We live in a globalized world , in which companies have increasingly understood the need to operate on an international scale. However, the local dimension is also taking on particular importance. Because often a company dedicated to selling products. Or making services available needs to be found by users who move in a local sphere. All this is bringing about a real revolution in the field of digital marketing , because we are increasingly understanding how fundamental it is to be able to offer web content tailor-made for customers. Furthermore. How to geotarget the value of  of advertising and offers of local products is increasingly understood.

How to geotarget Targeted distribution

This is why, without a shadow of being lied to, we can Canada Email List say that today the concept of geotargeting is becoming increasingly established in the world of marketing . All this also applies in particular to the use of mobile devices, smartphones and tablets. Which are increasingly used by users to connect to the internet and carry out searches to satisfy their needs. How geotargeting works Personally, when I plan a local SEO strategy to increase local visits for my clients. I resort to different geotargeting techniques But above all specific to the individual client, which respond .

Email Data

The specific purpose of geolocalization

This is because it is essential to be able to identify China Email List the user’s position when he “lands” on a website. It is no coincidence that I used the verb lands, because landing pages, when it comes to SEO, are called landing pages . The purpose of the landing pages is to be able to find all the useful data that can bring the internet user closer to a company. That wants to sell its products both online and in a physical store. An example is the site I created for my client from Ostuni Francesco Caroli. Which is very important for climbing. The local and then regional rankings of search results. From this point of view.


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