Digital transformation is a process in which companies make use of technology to improve performance, increase reach and ensure better results. What is It is a structural change in organizations that gives an essential role to technology. There are those who think that it is an IT effort or that it involves improving the customer experience, in addition to an infinite number of other ideas and definitions. And, although for a long time this process was a vision of the future, today this scenario has changed. In fact, transformation is increasingly present in Latin American organizations and in many more around the world.

What is Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is a process inĀ  email contact list which companies make use of technology to improve performance, increase reach and ensure better results. It is a structural change in organizations, giving an essential role to technology. You’re wrong! This concept is much broader than having a fan page or a corporate blog, although these are part of the series of Online Marketing strategies . Instead, it is a radical change in the structure of organizations, in which technology begins to have a central strategic role, and not just a superficial presence.

Understand the Development of Technological Progress

Digital transformation is not Caseno Data just another buzzword. A nice term to say that it is worth investing in Facebook Ads or something of that type. On the contrary, it is part of a much larger process, which is called: technological process. There are three main phases, the digital transformation being the last. Look at what each of these stages consists of and. How they culminate in this movement that we are currently witnessing. In other words, data is transformed into bits and stored in electronic devices.

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