Other legal and ancillary clauses. Why do web designers insist that a contract should always be used. For a lot of reasons, but whether these reasons are really valid is another story. Can you see where I’m going with this? Reasons like. Therefore, Customers making requests that are outside the scope of the project. What is a web Clients not doing their part in website development. Customers who object to the way site and plugin licenses are handled. But, above all. Therefore, customers who do not respect the agreed payment terms.
What is a penalty
As you will have noticed all these aspects fall Denmark Telegram Number Data solely and exclusively on the customer who most web agencies see as a problem and not as another person with whom to exchange ideas and solutions and personal and professional growth for both parties . Binding a client to a web agency is wrong Allow me a quote. Therefore, “Seek first of all to understand, then to be understood.” I have made this thought my own since I opened my marketing and web design consultancy firm, so much so that I wanted to highlight Web Solutions as a subtitle. Precisely to make it clear that I am always looking for the best personalized web solutions for each of my individual clients.
The collaboration
You cannot imagine France Telegram Number how many times I have heard complaints from clients with web agency contracts for social media and communication who were not satisfied with the results but, being contractually locked in for a year or more, they could not terminate them prematurely, subject to a penalty to be paid. I would like to underline the concept: with us all this does not exist! If the customer is not happy he can withdraw from the contract whenever he wants without paying any penalty.