Emotions and understand his own existence in the world. self-aware robot Tiyas’ wish to be part of the DTS program came true  Today, we announced the list of selected participants in the program. The list of selected participants can be viewed at the following link: dicoding.id/pesertabdt2022 A training session access token will be sent immediately to the selected participant’s email. If you have any questions, please email [email protected] Thank you and happy studying! 4.Self-awareness Once theory of mind can be embodied in artificial intelligence, sometime in the distant future, the final step to becoming a perfect artificial intelligence will be self-awareness.

In this type of artificial intelligence

Machines already have the same when . He continued his studies in Information Engineering at Cipta Karya Institute of Computer Science and Informatics (STIKOM CKI). At that time, Tiyas had moved to the East Jakarta area to study and teach IT at IDN boarding school. Then, by enrolling in the Digital Talent Scholarship Professional Academy Android Program (DTS PROA Android), Tiyas hopes to increase his learning experience, gain new knowledge, and deepen his knowledge in the ws data field of Android. Tiyas’ prayers to become a DTS PROA Android participant were answered.

Unlike Kulon Progo SMKN

Whatsapp Number List

Pengasih student Bima Mukhlisin Bil Sajjad (16), he is also actively exploring his interests. Every day after school, Bima (as he was named) always took time to cultivate his dreams on the computer. Bima is very interested in exploring the world of cloud computing. Curiosity that must be answered Bima’s love affair with . The world of technology began when he was still wearing a white Caseno Data and red uniform. It is known that since 2012, the movement of social media in cyberspace has facilitated face-to-face interactions. The presence of social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. piqued Bima’s curiosity. He also continued his studies at SMK Negeri 2 Pengasih, majoring in Computer Network Engineering.

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