Of the school and became

  The field of cloud computing. This prestigious annual competition is hosted by the Department of Education and Education. The culture of Indonesian vocational high school students. “Thanks to the support from all parties and the strong material foundation provided by Dicoding and AWS, I successfully won the bronze medal.” Not only has his achievements been brilliant, Bima also seems to have ambitions as high as the stars. One day, he hopes to develop a quantum computer in Indonesia, although he realizes that the resources to develop such computers are still very limited. Even so, Bima is still eager to explore existing quantum computer theory.

Bima's ambitions grew when

  He saw the quantum computer services offered by AWS. He was inspired to create a very practical yet incredibly powerful quantum computer. Bima hopes his innovation will prepare Indonesia to compete with other countries in the future era of computing. In addition ws number list to his desire to advance Indonesia’s science and technology, Bima also hopes to inspire his peers to study hard. Bima expressed to them the need to maximize the opportunities available. “Ignorance is a mistake, so we need to learn, try and understand. Cultivate your curiosity so you can continue to learn. 

Motivate yourself and take

advantage of the various opportunities available to achieve your goals.” To enable more people to achieve as brilliantly as he did, Bima hopes to invite future digital talent candidates to learn with AWS and Dicoding. He realized that there were not many cloud Caseno Data computing experts in Indonesia and that career opportunities in this field were very promising. Bima also believes that Amazon, which is building a data center in Jakarta, can help Indonesia evenly accelerate digitalization. Let’s learn and be part of Indonesia’s digital acceleration.

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