Planning a trip involves time and money, to do so it is necessary to review different options that are within reach of your pocket. Today we bring you an alternative so you can plan your next trip in a sustainable way. We assure you that the result will be an exciting and fun experience. How to have a sustainable trip? The advantages of making your vacation more sustainable are many, on the one hand it benefits your pocketbook and on the other hand you benefit the environment. You can choose sustainable means of transportation and accommodations that do not harm nearby communities. Recently the Cause Artist portal developed a small guide to having a trip of this type, below we present it: Practical guide to having a sustainable trip 1. Choose your destination wisely Choose a destination according to your needs and tastes.

Practical guide to having a sustainable trip

It is best not to travel during hh seasons, so you will avoid crowds in hotels or recreational places. You can choose destinations that meet established environmental objectives or that have sustainable certifications. For example, in Mexico, Xcaret Experiences is a company that, in addition to offering its visitors fun and Greece Phone Number List excitement, also cares about ecology and sustainability within its parks. 2. Opt for green accommodation Choosing luxury hotels should not be in your sustainable travel plan. Fortunately, there are various accommodation options around the world that you can choose from, some of these options use green practices and respect the environment. You can also opt for hostels, or shared apartments through cell phone applications like Airbnb , a new trend with which you can save a few pesos.

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How to have a sustainable trip?

Consider your means of transportation Once you arrive at your destination, opt to take buses instead of renting a car. You can even share by doing the famous carpool . Waze now gives you that option. When traveling by air, do your best to select the greenest airlines. On the other hand, using public transportation, renting a bike, or simply Indonesia Phone Number List walking once you arrive at your vacation spot will reduce the total carbon dioxide emissions on your trip. The best thing about this option is that you will get to know more tourist places up close, and you will be able to take the opportunity to take some photographs .Find ways to avoid waste One of the ways to avoid waste when traveling is to opt for local restaurants and plant-based meals, even if you are not vegan or vegetarian.

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