Company Brand Key to Attracting Talent

Satisfaction in the company’s environment can be monitored through periodic. Surveys and other evaluation activities that are based on operationally defined indicators. An interesting tool to begin to assess the opinion of workers is the. Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS ), which investigates whether. Company Brand They would recommend the organization as a workplace. Also,

Giving Freedom to Talent is the

To join the company, in addition to professional talent, the value of “being a good person” understood as being a good colleague must be included. But statements such as “you cannot be a good professional if you are a bad person” that the current guru claims or that become interested headlines Giving Freedom to achieve

Measures to Attract Talent to the Company

The objective is to configure a team of professionals who achieve the objectives set by the company based on the corporate culture at the lowest possible cost. And the process also seems quite simple, at least from the classic human resources selection model. Measures to The first step is to publish job offers to recruit

How to send mass messages via WhatsApp in your company

Today WhatsApp How to has become one of the pillars of company/client commercial conversations. With more than 2 billion active users and an open rate of almost 100%, there is no better tool to connect with your audience. Today we show you the steps to send mass messages on WhatsApp . Why should you  messages

WhatsApp Chatbot Create conversations that seem natural

A Bot for WhatsApp is a resource that allows you. WhatsApp Chatbot to establish conversations under certain parameters, so that they are played automatically with customers. That is they are preconfigured conversations. That serve to attend to certain processes provide information. Or resolve a question and if necessary refer. The conversation to a human agent.

WhatsApp to manage clients How to do it efficiently

Many companies use WhatsApp to manage clients. However, to get the most out of this platform, it is essential to know some strategies and best practices. In this post, we will be talking about how to use WhatsApp to manage clients efficiently and we will highlight the importance of having a multi-agent WhatsApp software like

Waste Management Consultants Responsibilities in Benchmarking

As far as societies and organizations are concerned. The current progressive and caring movement has gained advantage simply by successfully organizing waste. Earlier, these wastes were not properly utilized and numerous associations. Were expected to face difficulties in purchasing these things or curating them. The cutting-edge float demonstrates that waste can be reduced, repaired, transformed,

How to use mesh ribbon to make decorative pieces for different seasons

Mesh tape is very versatile and can be used. With a variety of products, such as chair covers, stairs, walls, flowers, and more. Easy to use, creating the perfect decorative piece and bringing your ideas to life doesn’t have to be a challenging or time-consuming task. Mesh Ribbon Decoration for Different Occasions Create the sparkling

7 Ways to Fix When Email Stops Working on Android Phone

The team of your office cleaning services provider will carefully remove waste from offices. Clinics, hotels and Android Phone manufacturing units and dispose of it in a safe location ensuring protection of the environment. Around the Web Sponsored by Etrade Stock Trading Made Easy with Etrade Etrade Makes Stock Trading Made Easy The need for

The Purpose-infallible Ritual Before and After

Well, now that we have the definition and some theoretical tips more or less clear. Let me tell you the ritual I follow before and after each task. Before is when I write down the task and also just before doing it. The Purpose-I move away a little from the typical, from thinking about great

How to define your small purposes

Well, now that we know that having purposes is good, let’s talk about how to define them and how to be clear about them. Seem to you? Here, once again, I have to tell you that I move away a little from the typical, from thinking about great transcendental purposes that are so distant that

How to overcome procrastination by adding

You keep thinking about everything you have to do… You don’t know where to start and you feel a certain resistance… So you say to yourself: I’ll start with something simpler to pick up the pace! And you look at the email. How to overcome Client, client, boss, oops! an offer, let’s see what it