60 SEO Strategies: Web Positioning Techniques and Actions on Google

60 SEO Strategies: Web Positioning Techniques and Actions on Google. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a world full of strategies . Web positioning in search engines is a challenge for those companies and businesses that want to position themselves on the first pages of Google organically. Or, in other words, how to position yourself

Complete Guide to the Google Adwords Keyword Search Engine

Complete Guide to the Google Adwords Keyword Search Engine. If you want to improve the SEO positioning and content of your website. This complete guide to the Google Adwords Keyword Search will help you become a keyword expert. I have compiled basic and advanced functions so that you can better interpret the results. Therefore, generate

What is Content Curation and the 25 best tools

What is Content Curation and the 25 best tools. What is content curation. What tools should the content curator use to effectively carry out this increasingly important technique in Digital Marketing. In today’s article we will talk to you about some essential platforms. Therefore, that will help you carry out good content curation. Currently, content

10 steps to sell online with your blog and not die trying

10 steps to sell online with your blog and not die trying. Roger is a specialist in Inbound Marketing and today he brings us several tricks to make ourselves known with a blog and sell through it. He helps us focus our strategy so that we don’t waste time and hit the nail on the

Use the Analytics link generator tool or better a Google Sheet?

Use the Analytics link generator tool or better a Google Sheet? The mainbecause the majority of dedicated professionals on the side know what UTM links are. The problem is not how to create the links either, since the Analytics UTM link generation tool is very easy to find. problem, as we have said before, is

Why is it important to understand the difference between Source and Medium in Google Analytics?

Why is it important to understand the difference between Source and Medium in Google Analytics? No matter how trivial this difference may seem to you, it is important. Well, you can enter the Analytics reports, in a standard installation, and review the information (and even understand it) without needing to know this difference. The problem

What is source and medium in Google Analytics

What is source and medium in Google Analytics by Victor Campuzano | 25 Oct 2019 | Analytics for Growth | 4 Comments Source and Medium, something very, very common in the world of Marketing and digital analytics. Something you’ve probably heard about and even something you’ve paid attention to when looking at data. Source and