Country number + 52

Are you curious to learn more about the country number 52? In this article, we will explore some interesting facts and information about this fascinating place. So, let’s dive in and discover what makes this country unique and special. 1. History and Background The country number 52 has a rich history that dates USA WhatsApp

Oaxaca: World pioneer in compliance with the Agenda

In Mexico, it is committe to aligning itself under the 2030 Agenda , which contains goals and objectives that together seek to eradicate poverty, combat inequalities, promote prosperity and protect the environment. However, it is in Oaxaca where the difference is being made. Oaxaca: World pioneer in compliance with the 2030 Agenda Oaxaca is a

Online food sales increase plastic waste

Despite the different initiatives to combat plastic, there is more and more. And it seems that not all industries and companies have understood that plastic is a big problem around the world; It damages ecosystems, pollutes the sea and causes animal deaths. We see plastic everywhere: in the supermarket, in fast food centers and it

How many PET sneakers do you need to reach the green goal?

Companies from various sectors have opte for the circular green goal? economy, giving new uses to recyclable packaging in the production of clothing, footwear, household goods or the construction sector. However, are they actually generating a strong impact or are they efforts with a purpose, above all, of marketing? The sporting goods company Adidas has

Climate change will be an “existential threat in according to report

Water scarcity, pollution, collapse ecosystems, intense heat, among other effects of climate change that are already occurring today and that are completely damaging the planet. These “symptoms” could devastate all plans planne for 2050 if the correct measures are not taken to stop climate change. All of this information is found in a recent think

Will climate change end the world in ?

Climate change is very evident. Companies, governments  and citizens around the world are implementing measures to stop or at least reduce it, however, recent studies presente say that climate change will end the world in 2050.  end the world in 2050? According to a scientific report prepare by an Australian specialize center calle Breakthrough National

Binding international treaty on plastic pollution: WWF

A new report from the World Wildlife Fund says the global plastic pollution crisis will only get worse unless all players in the plastics value chain take more responsibility for the true cost of plastics to nature. and the people. The report goes on to suggest that the global plastics problem has been create in

Every week you eat thousands of pieces of plastic

In recent years, scientists and environmental experts have warne us that plastic is affecting our ecosystems and that therefore we should reduce its use. Around the world there are places calle garbage islands”, where plastics gather massively and affect the marine ecosystem. Plastic is lodge in these places and as it decomposes, it transforms into

We will inherit to our children a world in ruins: Pope Francis

Why read this note? Future generations are about to inherit a world in crisis, says Pope Francis. Not those of our great-great-grandchildren, as we previously believed, but those of our children. What we used to believe would happen in the distant future is happening right now. Faced with the incredulous looks of humanity. Yes. Companies

Soriana promotes reuse and recycling of packaging

The development of social responsibility programs by companies has become one of the obligatory commitments of today, which has promote the communication of initiatives of all kinds. The above invites us to question what is the true impact of some programs that are communicate. For four years, Fundación has been working to implement its social

They warn of environmental damage in Dos Bocas

Since Andrés Manuel López Obrador was running as president of the Republic, he assured that, if he won, once in the presidential chair he would begin the construction of the Refinery in Tabasco. The promise little by little becomes a reality. Although that might not be the best for Mexico… or for our planet. The

Green journalism is risky, but El País is going to risk it

Given the global ecological panorama, hundreds of initiatives have emerge to combat pollution, reduce waste and implement measures in favor of the environment. Each of these initiatives have been made known through the media, which have undoubtedly also found that in environmental matters there is much to report and much to do. However, just like