Welcome back to my blog. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a series of new regulations aimed at giving European Union (EU) citizens more control over their personal data and information. This is why it is essential and mandatory that all websites and e-commerce sites comply with the GDPR. In reality. What is all physical and online activities. Have had to comply with the GDPR and protect the personal data of their customers for a few years. Now but above all they have the obligation to adapt from 9 January. The new provisions of the Privacy Guarantor.
What is the obligation
If in a physical activity, more often South Africa Telegram Number Data than not, you have someone sign a paper accepting the retention of personal data, when it comes to online it becomes increasingly difficult, because the data that needs to be kept is many and their storage varies from site to site and from the use that the owner of the site makes of the individual personal data. An example of personal data? The customer’s name and surname, email, telephone number and address are just some of the data we must manage. Mention data tracking programs for profiling purposes such as Google Analytics. In other words, every time a user visits a particular site, he leaves a whole series of personal traces and must be informed in advance about which data can or cannot be recorded.
General Data Protection
Which has changed again at the beginning of 2022. The GDPR Germany Telegram Number was desired by the European Community and implemented by all member states to protect the privacy of individuals. With this regulation, the European Parliament has established strict rules. That companies must follow when processing the data of individuals who interact with them, whether live or online. What impact has the GDPR had on businesses Initially. It was thought that GDPR could have a negative impact on businesses, but it turned out to be the exact opposite.