The North Face and National Geographic make clothes out of plastic bottles

If you’re about to buy a new t-shirt or sweatshirt, this is a great eco-friendly option to check out. Over the past year, outdoor retailer The North Face has been making a special line of clothing calle Bottle Source . The items in this collection are made from plastic bottles collecte from three national parks in the Unite States: Yosemite, Grand Teton, and Great Smoky Mountains. Thanks to this work, the brand launches the limite edition collection, in collaboration with National Geographic, this time with the phrase “Waste Is Over” on all clothing items. This is intende to “speak to the brand’s commitment to recycling and reusing plastics in new alternative ways. Through a press release. the alliance has provide background information on the scope of the plastic pollution problem.

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More than billion metric tons of plastic have been produce since and that amount is projecte to increase by 34 billion metric tons by. As of , it is estimate that only about 9 percent of plastic has been recycle. The world is struggling with a single-use plastic crisis and it is time to act . ” Clearly we have to find something to do Argentina WhatsApp Number List with all this waste. Avoiding plastic production altogether would, of course, be an ideal solution, but extending the lifespan in the form of recycle clothing, while at the same time reducing demand for virgin petroleum-base fabrics, is the next best option. Many of us are fans of using natural fabrics whenever possible, but we also realize how unrealistic this can be, especially when we are talking about sports equipment.

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If we can transform a waste product into something that people are already buying in large quantities, while reducing demand for its virgin equivalent, it will at least give us time to find better options for safe washing”; assure a spokesperson for the brand. Therefore, it is always positive to see clothing manufacturers accepting recycle Canada WhatsApp Number List materials, as it indicates that they are willing to work with what we already have in large quantities on this planet (garbage) and refrain from pushing for further extraction. The North Face says it will donate $1 from the sale of each Bottle Source item to the National Park Foundation, which will be use to support sustainability projects and programs. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is riding a public opinion rollercoaster these days.

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