Well, now that we have the definition and some theoretical tips more or less clear. Let me tell you the ritual I follow before and after each task. Before is when I write down the task and also just before doing it. The Purpose-I move away a little from the typical, from thinking about great transcendental purposes that are so distant that they lose their meaning . Maybe I have them, I’m not saying no, but it’s not what I’m looking for. To give you an example, Víctor Martín tells us in his book Unleash your success (highly, highly recommended) about a super useful tool that is “The wheel of life” . It is ideal for finding your medium and long-term purposes, but if you allow me, use it only if you have a strong commitment to yourself and want the impact to be in all areas of your person.

I also make money

I do everything I do. Identify small objectives or mini achievements . Everything you do has a direct impact. For example, when you poop you remove company data waste from your body, you feel better, and you make room for more. Ha ha ha. Okay, bad example. Eeeeem, you understand me. No? Each thing, each post, each call, each task has a direct impact, a mini achievement that brings you closer to those mentioned in the previous point.

Always identify it. It’s easier than it seems and here begins the key to everything. Always look for the positive approach . “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.” You haven’t heard that many times, have you? ( Note: if when reading it you thought about arguments then you have a negative approach. Why haven’t you thought about a conversation between lovers. 

The Purpose-you about one

I have to avoid procrastination and motivate myself more now that I am self-employed. It’s about Caseno Data the purposes or, as I call it, “the why”. Let’s go for a post that’s quick to read, easy to share, easy to publish. You fancy. You become aware that what you do has meaning . When you have resolutions, you stop having faith that what you are doing has meaning and start truly believing it. There, procrastination suffers a hard blow. It is ideal for finding your medium and long-term purposes, but if you allow me, use it only if you have a strong commitment to yourself and want the impact to be in all areas of your person.

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