Hundreds of plastic waste invade us. These have caused serious damage Turning garbage to our ecosystems, especially the marine one, where they remain for several years and directly affect Turning garbage the species that inhabit them. Many companies have decided to clean beaches to eliminate plastic. But it has not been enough. Due to this problem, initiatives have emerged to reuse plastic. Recycle it and make it functional. For example, in Ivory Coast, there is a project to turn all plastics into bricks. And thus build schools throughout the country. Together with a Colombian company. The country is working to turn plastic waste into an asset that will provide jobs for women and help improve the environment. To date, the company in charge of the construction of the factory has a contract with Unicef ​​to finish 528 classrooms, and serve about students, with an estimated 50 students per classroom.

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It is common to find schools built with wood and adobe bricks. A material that is easily eroded by the sun and rain, and requires constant repairs. Unlike plastic salons, these could last forever. The interconnected bricks slow the action of fire in possible fires and remain cool during the hot season. The first classrooms Italy Phone Number List cost approximately each, compared to for each concrete classroom. The price is expected to drop by 20% when the bricks are manufactured locally. Abidjan produces about 300 tons of plastic a day, but only 5% is recycled. Each classroom needs around five tons of plastic to build. The rest of the plastic that is not recycled usually ends up in landfills in low-income communities. The contamination of plastic waste aggravates already existing hygiene and sanitation difficulties.

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Furthermore, poor waste management is the cause of 60% of cases of malaria, diarrhea and pneumonia in children, which, in turn, cause child deaths in Côte d’Ivoire. This is a project organized by Coulibaly, president of a community association for women called The Fighting Women. It currently has 200 members. She Mexico Phone Number List collected trash for almost two decades. During this time she sold the plastic to middlemen at a recycling market in Abobo-Baoulé, a region of the country where the minimum wage is $25 a week, although many people earn less. The women say her income is between $8.50 and $17 a week. It is important to note that Ivory Coast needs to build 15 thousand classrooms to meet the needs of children who do not have a place to study.

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