The goal of SEM is to increase your company’s visibility — ensuring it is found by potential customers when they search for anything relat to your solution — and drive more qualifi traffic to your website . It is for this reason that, when we talk about SEM, we are mainly talking about capturing demand , and this is link to what Google itself calls micro-moments : Small situations that happen in people’s daily lives, which act as a trigger for them to carry out research . Google: Micro-Moments Now, so that you can be part of (and take advantage of) all the different types of micro-moments your audience has.

Then you research another subject and find

I ne to tell you that a well-conduct Search Engine Marketing strategy not only generates more sales directly, but is also capable of transform your visibility into conversion by generating: Brand awareness first; Then brand familiarity ; And, consequently, brand trust ! After all, one of the most important things to generate trust in a company is, within each consumer’s purchasing journey, to be found a few times, right? Follow my new data  reasoning: for example, you are on your purchasing journey , ucating yourself about your nes, and you find Orgânica on Google . Then you research another subject and find Orgânica again.

Customers through an excellent

new data

And Again. and .Again, and Again — Until .You .Ask .Yourself: “But .Who Is .This .Orgânica?!” .And .Searches Google .For .The .Brand .Itself. So. the More. Consumers .Come .Across .Your .Brand, The. More They Become. Aware .Of Its. Existence .And .Place. Trust. in What .It Has to Say. Once This Trust Is Establish, Whatever You .Suggest .Consumers Do. They .Will Do. (And They. Will Want .To Do It .With You!). in .Other Words: .Presence in  presence in  Caseno Data the purchasing journey of potential customers through an excellent positioning on Google is very important in addition to sales growth.

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