Why read this note? Future generations are about to inherit a world in crisis, says Pope Francis. Not those of our great-great-grandchildren, as we previously believed, but those of our children. What we used to believe would happen in the distant future is happening right now. Faced with the incredulous looks of humanity. Yes. Companies had a lot to do with generating the current climate crisis; but it is no longer about blaming; but to solve them. The ecological crisis threatens the future of humanity and continuing to ignore the problem is not an option. World leaders must get to work and lead people towards a more sustainable future. In the past he has expressed his enormous social and environmental commitment; This time he has done it through a call to attention to the oil companies to stop the climate crisis.
The human family is in danger
Vatican news published all the details about it and we transcribe them here for you. Don’t miss them! During an incisive and compelling speech he addressed to the heads of the world’s oil companies, the Pope stated: The current ecological crisis, especially climate change, threatens the future of the human family and Azerbaijan WhatsApp Number List this is not an exaggeration. “Future generations are about to inherit a world in ruins. “Our children and grandchildren should not have to pay the cost of our generation’s irresponsibility.” It is a clear and incisive speech that Pope Francis addresses to the participants in the Meeting on the topic “ The energy transition and the protection of the common home ”, organized in the Vatican by the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development . Addressing, among others, the heads of the world’s oil companies.
It is enough to be irresponsible
The human family is in danger “The current ecological crisis, especially climate change,” the Holy Father acknowledges, “threatens the future of the human family and this is not an exaggeration.” For too long, in fact, scientific analyzes have been ignored, looking “with contempt and irony” at the relative “catastrophic Indonesia WhatsApp Number List predictions.” The Pope also refers to the Special Report on the impact of global warming of 1.5ºC above pre-industrial levels by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which “clearly warns”, he says, of the consequences of failure to achieve the goals. Paris Agreements. «The Report also warns that there is only a little more than a decade left to reach this global warming barrier. In the face of such a climate emergency, we must take appropriate measures to avoid committing a serious injustice to the poor and future generations.