What is source and medium in Google Analytics by Victor Campuzano | 25 Oct 2019 | Analytics for Growth | 4 Comments Source and Medium, something very, very common in the world of Marketing and digital analytics. Something you’ve probably heard about and even something you’ve paid attention to when looking at data. Source and medium, something that can be controlled and labeled at will, to obtain data much closer to the reality of our traffic acquisition actions. Ains my dears font and a half. An inseparable couple, there watching them, always holding hands, so similar, so complicit, so united. You rarely see one without seeing the other, or one without the other. Medium is she, source is he. He is she, she is he…

Difference between

Difference between source and medium in Google Analytics Let’s explain it very simply, okay? Imagine that you live in Archena and an old friend from Madrid comes to visit you. He has told you that he leaves early industry email list and that he will arrive around 8:30 p.m., that by car it will take 4 hours or so. Where does it come from? From Madrid. As it comes? By car. Source: Madrid. Medium: Car. As simple as that. What does Source mean in Google Analytics? The source in Google Analytis refers to where a visit comes from . If it comes from Google, Bing, so-and-so’s blog, Facebook, Active Campaign or Acumbamail, etc.

What does Medium

Do you get it? Think about “ where is the visit coming from?” ” What does Medium mean in Google Analytics? While the source is where it comes from, the medium responds to a more Caseno Data general classification. The how . If we look at it from a hierarchical point of view, the Medium responds to the category that encompasses the source. There are a series of general or more common means: Organic traffic. Paid Traffic. Reference (links from other websites) Email (links from an email marketing tool or from Gmail, Hotmail, etc.). Social. Links from social networks. None. Well, direct traffic. Hahaha. Do these media sound familiar to you?

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