What is Content Curation and the 25 best tools. What is content curation. What tools should the content curator use to effectively carry out this increasingly important technique in Digital Marketing. In today’s article we will talk to you about some essential platforms. Therefore, that will help you carry out good content curation. Currently, content marketing is one of the most important strategies for brands and companies. Therefore, since through content they manage to connect with their audience in a natural, fast and cost-free way.


Evernote information aggregator. What is content is a highly recommended application for use on mobile devices although. Therefore, it can also be used on the computer. Many times we find interesting content. while we are on the subway or in email database another place. Therefore, where we are not with the computer, and we have no place to store. that information and this is where the main usefulness of Evernote lies. Later, with the information collected we can make a filter and save what we really see as quality for our audience.


 Flipboard content collector very interesting platform since. It allows us to create our own online magazine according to the topics that interest us. We add the categories Caseno Data or topics about which we want to see information and the application creates an online magazine with those topics updated instantly. It also allows us: Collect different types of content (articles, videos, images). Share on different social networks such as Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Follow the content that we like and thus follow the references who write it.

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