The article has been read 15059 times INDEX What is link building Why does a link building strategy help SEO? What is link equity? Because 100 euros for 30 links is dangerous for link building 5 tips for creating a successful link building strategy. Create content that adds value to your site and related sites Research competitors’ content and backlinks Search sites in your industry or niche for link building opportunities. Promote your content Never, ever buy link packages for 100 euros. Welcome back to my blog. If you buy stock links for your website. Google may penalize your site by dropping it in the SERPs or removing it altogether. And this definitely won’t bring leads or sales for your business. Especially considering that over half of web traffic is the result of organic searches.

The common imagination

Last week a client from Rimini called New Zealand Telegram Number Data me and we talked about link building because he received a quote (which do you plan to accept?) from a competitor of mine who asked him  100 in total for 30 links plus article writing. I could objectively end my article here because in the few lines you have just read, especially if you are colleagues, you have a dramatic cross-section. What the idea is of link building in Italy and beyond. I say not only because SEO and link building have recently entered the common imagination. But the mood of the cousin or friend who creates websites and e-commerce for free or at most for 200 euros is now lost in the mists of time.

Telegram Number Data

The commitment

In the specific case of my client fortunately Australia Telegram Number things went a little differently, or at least I hope (this is the reason for the question mark I put above). When I work on a project I always do it without sparing myself and those. Who know me know  and dedication I put into my work as well as into my family. This is because I always want to live in the best way possible. While trying to make my contribution. And also in this case I hope I have been clear about the danger of buying 30 links plus writing articles for 100 euros in total.



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