RSS Feed or Really Simple Syndication, is a resource for real time content distribution based on the XML language. Discover How This technology allows users of a blog or news channel to follow its updates through software, website or browser aggregator. The RSS Feed is one of the most popular innovations on the Internet. Created in the late 1990s, the resource has achieved enormous success around the world, as it is one of the first tools capable of organizing the immense chaos of information generated by millions of blogs and websites that publish new content . daily.

Discover How The History of the RSS Feed

The following updates were made based job function email list on the criticism. And suggestions from the developer community and soon after, in the mid-2000s. RSS was already a huge success with the help of major news portals such as CNN and BBC, who start using it. These companies allowed partner sites to embed. Their feeds and replicate their content. It was, at the time, an advantageous way to increase the reach of. Publications, however several usage and display agreements were involved.

How to Use RSS Feed in Other Tools

Two decades have passed since Caseno Data the creation of the. RSS Feed and what we have witnessed during that. Time was an unprecedented digital transformation . Which radically changed content consumption and business communication. Digital Marketing has become a major global sensation. And its strategies have been widely used by the market. Social networks flourished, especially on Facebook. The big change in the model, smartphones arrived, high-speed mobile Internet. And a lot of changes that directly affected consumer behavior .

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