You may get some more cred behind

It’s important to remember here that Google is still a robot. He cannot interpret its contents in the same way humans can (although he is evolving more  what each of your  and more). So your company needs to help Google. The basic principle of doing this is to define keywords. In other words, the topic of each piece of content. This will help  what each of your  search engines understand what each of your content means. And if he understands, your website has a greater chance of ranking better.

companies investing in content marketing.

So, after mapping your persona, follow some basic steps: Define a short-tail keyword (generic, such as “apartment”); Define a long-tail keyword (specific, such as “low-income student housing”); See if the term Have search volume (use Google Keyword Planner); Google it and see the quality of the results; Now set up a content calendar with each word as a base topic for each material. Get this right and your company will be ahead of most  new database companies investing in content marketing. 3. Search Intent Not Considered If we think about it for a moment, this issue is pretty obvious, yet often overlooked in content marketing strategies.

pain and we need to make

Yes, you identified your personas and keywords. and Caseno Data produced content that focused on this. But your strategy ignores the person’s search intent. Consider the following question, what is your intention  when you type in “pizza delivery 24 hours”? You want to place an order, right? You want a place that delivers immediately. Whether it’s by phone or the internet. But in this case, “24-hour pizza delivery” is a keyword. 

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