guilty. If you have difficulty saying no, prepare what you are going to say beforehand so you know how to say it with conviction, but don’t back down. Successful people knowDue to the constant uncertainty that surrounds us, organizations are forced to navigate new scenarios to be able to lead change. To face this and lead your company without major problems, it is necessary to have a series of tools that Mayte Sanchidrián, collaborator of the UEMC School of Business and Management and tra

This Is the 'Procuvidere Method

iner specialized in entrepreneurship, has explained in a #ENyDOpenclass. The expert has shown some keys to learn how to develop initiatives that guarantee a safer future in your company. Let’s discover them! CRISIS AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT: FROM VUCA TO BANI ENVIRONMENT All the changes b2b email list  that occur in organizations due to being subject to environments of uncertainty or times of crisis will have a direct impact, regardless of the size of the company. To face these crises, it is essential to know the VUCA and BANI environments and

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how they have moved from one to the other. We understand the VUCA environment as the one used in the business field since the 1980s to define long-term strategies that allow us to take into account the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environment. However, since the great chaos caused by the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, the VUCA environment has ceased to exist to give way to the well-known Caseno Data  BANI environment (fragile, anxious, non-linear and incomprehensible), where new tools are needed to make sense to the reality that we have to live: scarcity of human resources, greater political instability, extreme inequality and migratory

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