Obviously as an agency A strive to achieve the best results for our clients, but one important thing I have learn is that GA ensures that the progress of the agency and all staff involv is also measur – creating a working environment impeccable.” What would you like to see change in the industry regarding better equality? Francesco: “I would like to see speakers at conferences where everyone is represent. I think the SEO industry (especially in the UK) is making great strides in terms of equality.
I would even goso
Far as to say that a lot of the most seo expate bd influential people in SEO are women (think Twitter). Likewise, I would like to see more female Heads of SEO.” Jade: “Despite the great fight to abolish gender practices and stigma in advertising, I want the inclusion of those who identify with PR stunts and campaigns. I’m talking about men and women who live with a disability or an autoimmune condition, such as alopecia and so on. The spectrum of beauty extends much further than what society considers normal and I believe that, even if for a small minority, everyone should be able to identify with a model, actor or actress present in visual mia.
Hanna Im a copywriter
Which means I love words. Language shapes Caseno Data our reality. So for me, it all starts with shifting the focus of the conversation. I would like to see other brands be more open to a gender-fluid vocabulary.” Justine: “In addition to the widening gender pay gap and the female voice that is often consider less, for me a huge problem is that the foundations of the working day have been built according to the -hour male biochemical “roadmap”. While a man’s energy, motivation and cognitive levels.