Today WhatsApp How to has become one of the pillars of company/client commercial conversations. With more than 2 billion active users and an open rate of almost 100%, there is no better tool to connect with your audience. Today we show you the steps to send mass messages on WhatsApp . Why should you  messages on WhatsApp? The Meta messaging service was originally designed for personal communication between two users; However, with the arrival of WhatsApp Business , businesses can stay in touch with a broader audience. Mass messages allow you to send the same information to numerous contacts at once.

Broadcast lists for mass messages

Today WhatsApp has become one of the pillars of company/client commercial conversations. With more than 2 billion active users and an open rate of almost 100%, there is no better tool to connect with your audience. Today we show you the company data steps to send mass messages on WhatsApp . Why should you send mass messages on WhatsApp. The Meta messaging service was originally designed for personal communication between two users; However, with the arrival of WhatsApp Business , businesses can stay in touch with a broader audience. Mass messages allow you to send the same information to numerous contacts at once.

Broadcast lists for mass messages

Without a doubt, broadcast lists are the best way to send messages to numerous contacts at the same time. These allow you to choose up to 256 contacts , write a text message, with images or links and even schedule its sending. Broadcast lists differ from WhatsApp groups since only the sender will be able to access it; The recipient will only see Caseno Data the sender’s message in their chat, but will not see the other users or their responses. To create a broadcast list you just have to follow the steps described below: Enter WhatsApp Business and click on the three dots located in the upper right part of the screen. Locate the “ new broadcast ” option and click on it. Choose the contacts that will be part of your distribution list and try to segment your audience. Example: regular clients, prospects.

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