Country number + 52

Are you curious to learn more about the country number 52? In this article, we will explore some interesting facts and information about this fascinating place. So, let’s dive in and discover what makes this country unique and special. 1. History and Background The country number 52 has a rich history that dates USA WhatsApp

What are the benefits of the breath square?

In total you need 15 minutes of breathing, you will notice an improvement in your stress conditions from the first session . Personally, I practice these breathing cycles 2 times a week, 1 of which together with my Personal Trainer Pamela who you can see in the photo later, just as we practice this exercise

Brainstorming works both in groups and alone

Control stress with breathing Breathing is the optimal method to keep stress at bay , free the mind from bad thoughts and break down insecurities. I advise you to practice breathing cycles consistently, if you could do it every day it would be perfect but even 2 or 3 times a week is fine. In

Get inspired by mind maps

The creative process Creativity is not necessarily about conceiving a unique and original new idea, but is often based on the ability to connect pre-existing ideas in a new and innovative way. In 1940, James Webb Young, an advertising executive. Published a short but significant guide entitled. Technique for Producing Ideas of which here is

The worst possible idea

Your feeling of inadequacy could result in impostor syndrome. Had you heard of it before? This syndrome leads you to constantly belittle your successes and not feel up to the job you have to do, whatever it may be. However, statistical studies have shown that this psychological disorder is especially common among talented people. The

Analysis of the results

When we are stressed, our ability to concentrate is drastically reduced because the brain focuses on the source. Therefore, of our stress and does not leave us free to wander with our mind, an essential activity for activating the creative process. This situation determines a creative block that irremediably stresses us more and more precisely

Creative Marketing the definitive guide to generating ideas

This definitive guide to generating creative ideas will help you whenever inspiration runs out and the new project you were so excited about seems like an insurmountable challenge. In the meantime, you can start to calm down for two reasons: First of all because it happens to everyone that we are not inspired , especially

Mistakes not to make if you want to achieve a goal

When failure occurs it doesn’t mean that the time has come to change goals and start from scratch. Therefore, it simply means that you have traveled an unsuccessful path. Failure, or as I like to call it “the failed path”. Must be accepted as it is. Accepting failure is the first step to learning new

How to manage failures and turn them into a positive event

An idea is the result of our thinking activity. Defining a goal means deciding the time, place and method of achieving it . We can evaluate whether an objective is in our power or dependent on the actions of others, in the latter case we must consider the variable “external people” who could interfere in

Depower obstacles

Don’t you also find the concept of being able to potentially learn anything fantastic? But let’s get back to us and how to achieve a goal. As I told you, knowing what you want is a very important aspect of the method I am about to show you, however we do little with this awareness

3 steps to always reach a goal

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk are just some of the most successful men of our times. With their innovative ideas and their creativity they have certainly revolutionized our lives and enjoy fame and success, becoming in all respects real models to follow in terms of marketing and entrepreneurship. We only notice successful